Class Action Administration

Do you need help with sending a notice or administering a class action lawsuit?
Chicago Mailing Service can help!

We provide a full spectrum of services related to the class communications and administration:


Database services


Database with Merge/Purge/Update Services

Merge, Address Validation, Updates for Moved Addresses and Removal of Duplicates Saves Money and Increases the Effectiveness of Your Mailings


Printed, email and fax and phone based communication


Printed Pieces ready for Folding/Inserting

In-House Printing Capabilities include Black and White Duplicating, Color Laser Printing and Inkjet/Laser Addressing.


Notices, Opt-out, Opt-in, Claim forms sent
Returned forms processing


Adressee Unknown Returned Letters

USPS returned letters (Addressee Unknown), ready to be processed. These letters can strain any law office staff. Chicago Mailing Service can process these letters for you in a timely, cost effective manner.


Processing Returned Letters


Logging Addressee Unknown Letters Directly into the Class Member Database.


Web based claim forms
Real-time reporting of status of each class member


Secure, web based access of Member Status

Database of Class Members is accessible via a secure website. Updates and changes are possible after logging in to the portal.


Scanning and Secure Destruction of Documents


USPS returned letters being shredded after being processed

Secure Destruction of USPS returns and Claim Forms (after scanning to allow for electronic retreival) assure privacy to Class Members.




Feel free to contact us to discuss your specific requirements. We can also provide some guidance on how to minimize your costs with these services, we can provide the most help when you are early in the process of defining the notice and/or claim/opt-out/opt-in forms.


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